Welcome to the 3-Star Academy!

As new videos are released, I comment and post their link(s). To see the latest content, skip to the final page!

The 3-Star Academy was made with one goal in mind: show all of you how to 3-star so that you can become the "go to" player in your clan!

There are too many players out there who think that it is impossible to 3-star their equal in wars. There are too many players being rejected from clans because they can't 3-star on a consistent basis. And there are too many clans losing wars because most of their players don't know how to 3-star anyone!

For a long time, I couldn't 3-star anyone. It's true. I was a TH9 that could farm as good as anyone but... I could not 3-star an enemy TH9 in wars. Hell, I struggled to 3-star some TH8s! I was just like you... But! I have changed! And with the help of the 3-Star Academy, so can you.

The tips, tricks and strategies that I share in my videos are what got me into a kick-♥♥♥, competitive war clan! They are what I use to get 6-stars every war! I am one of the "go-to" players in my clan and you can be too with the help of the 3-Star Academy.

In order to teach you the way of the 3-star, I will release 4 types of videos:
"My Way" Attacks:
Any video titled "My Way" will feature a personal 3-star attack done my way.

CoC Lesson: Any video titled "CoC Lesson" will feature a small lesson on topics ranging from pathing to troop composition.

CS Attack: Any video titled "CS Attack" will showcase 3-star attacks by members of Cold September! I am fortunate to be a member of CS and the members execute some awesome 3-star attacks. Videos in this series will include attacks by TH8-TH10. Click here to check out the Cold September recruitment thread!

Miscellaneous: Any other video I post will fall under this category. A video might be my take on a recent patch, new defensive units, new troops, etc.

But Castles, you're a TH9... I'm not. How can I learn from you?
The short answer is that even if you aren't a TH9, like me, you can still learn from my videos! Most of my attacks can be performed at TH8 and TH10 with some minor adjustments. Comment on YouTube with any questions you have!

If you really can't get around the fact that you're a different TH level than me, you can always learn from the videos in the Cold September series! That series will showcase attacks made by TH8-TH10!

What device do I play on?
All of my gameplay happens on my iPhone! Recordings are done with my Mac. I do NO gameplay on any device besides my iPhone.


Attacks My Way!

3-star Penta LaLoon! In this video, you will learn:
  • What the heck a "Penta" LaLoon is and how to do it!
  • How to decide if you should use a Cold-Blood LaLoon or a Penta LaLoon!
  • The perfect army composition for a TH9 Penta LaLoon!

I've been having a ton of success with the Penta LaLoon. In the past 4 wars, I have used the Penta 7 times and every attack was perfect. Yeah, 21 stars in 7 attacks. I hope that this video helps you do the same!

3-star Cold-Blood LaLoon!
In this video, you will learn:

  • What the heck "cold-blood" means and how to do it!
  • What the heck "break the funnel" means and how to do it!
  • The perfect army composition for a TH9 cold-blood laloon!
  • Warning: This is my first video ever! I may have used the pause button too much!

Most recent "How to Cold-Blood LaLoon" video! Sweepers SUCK!